5 Steps Academy is a K-12 school that has been approved by both Cambridge International and the US College Board. With level II approval, the school is authorized to conduct exams for SAT and AP (US stream) as well as IGCSE and A-level (UK stream) on their campus in Singapore. This unique opportunity allows students to receive their results through the school and apply to universities globally.

The High School program starts from Grade 9, and students can choose to pursue Grades 11 and 12 with the recommendation of the Academic Board. The school adheres to the standards set by the US College Board (US stream) or the Cambridge Assessment International Education (UK stream) to issue the High School Certificate, which is widely accepted by universities worldwide. It is equivalent to the higher IB and A-level.

For students pursuing Cambridge IGCSE and A-levels certificates, they must complete all Grade 10 subject exams and a minimum of five IGCSE subject exams in Grade 10 to receive the Certificate of Completion. Students can choose to complete their education with IGCSE or enroll in 5 Steps High School. In Grades 11 and 12, they must choose at least five IGCSE subjects for Cambridge certification and take the Cambridge IGCSE tests on the school campus.

US stream students must choose at least five subjects, including mandatory courses like AP English Language and Composition, AP Calculus, or AP Statistics. Pre-Calculus and Health modules are compulsory for all students. The school recommends that academically strong students take SAT, APs, and A-levels to enhance their transcripts’ quality.

The selective 5 Steps High School Program is designed for students aged 14-18 and admission is subject to approval by the 5 Steps Academic Board. The school’s reputation and endorsement by the US College Board and Cambridge International make the High School Certificate recognized worldwide, providing ample opportunities for students to apply to any university globally.

For more information, please visit the Academic Courses section.